Friday, April 12, 2013

strategy/plan for research

o   Participants
o   I am going to observe middle aged women and the workers in my nails salon, and the workers at the louis vuitton store
o   Method & Data Collection:
o    At the nail salon i will time it so that i come into the salon the same time as a older woman and see if the workers take her or i first, at the louis vuitton store i will once go in dressed nicely to make myself seem older and see the response or help i get, and go back another time dressed in sweats for a younger relaxed look and see the response
o   Predictions:
o    i expect to get better service and be treated better at the louis store when im dressed nicer and look older and i expect them to take the older woman first at the nail salon which both instances would prove my point 
§  I’m looking forward to proving my point of ageism in our society.

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