Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Suggested Research Method

Im choosing to use naturalistic observation because i feel that observing other people using ageism or becoming victims of ageism in our society is very common. I feel like especially in bergen county you see it in restaurant  nicer stores, nail salons, and even at the grocery store. Im going to observe people at my nail salon, at the starbucks in my town, and at the louis vuitton store in GSP. This is going to work perfectly with my topic because at all the places im going to observe there is some type of ageism being presented.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Fighting Ageism in Hollywood

I think i big place ageism is present is in hollywood. every new movie or tv series that comes out casts the young energetic people to play the most important roles and you only see people over 40 or 50 cats as a grandparent or an older figure that doesnt play a vital role. I believe that everyone should get a fair chance in hollywood because if someone is older and has been in the industry longer theres a chance that they better equppied to do the job and they have more experience. I actually feel that alot of the younger new actors arent tht good and all the new tv series that are coming out just suck because the actors arent even good or they seem so fake it just ruins the show.